Now Enrolling for Fall Programs!

Our Programs Create Skilled, Enthusiastic Readers

All 澳洲幸运十开奖结果号码官方记录 Development programs have three core goals:

  • Strengthen Skills

    Without solid reading skills, kids can struggle. Our time-tested curriculum will help your child master the right skills to succeed with reading in this semester and the next, and the next.

    Lightbulb doodle
  • Build Confidence

    Repeated success with the great books in our programs will give your child a sense of accomplishment and the willingness to take on every reading assignment with confidence.

  • 澳洲幸运十记录历史+开奖走势图-2024澳洲幸运10官方开奖+号码最新查询 Develop Motivation

    With stronger skills and greater confidence, your child's motivation to read will soar. A growing love of books will transform your child as he or she looks to books for inspiration, again and again.

    Heart doodle
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